suspension of:
immediate messaging of completed business42 (1)
motion not debatable68
reconsideration not proper67 (7)
two-thirds vote of members present required
unless unanimous consent91
Rulings of presiding officer:
appeal, roll call vote required7 (4)
definition99 (76)
entered in journal7 (5)
under advisement7 (3)
Schedule of committee activities26, 93 (2)
Scheduling committee (committee on senate organization)18 (1)
Second reading and amendment of proposals37
amendment not adopted by committee may be revived27 (3)
Senate, call of81 to 87
not debatable, may not be tabled68
Senate chamber (definition)99 (77)
Senate, citations on behalf of98
Senate organization; committee on:
absent member, temporary replacement20 (7)
calendar, contents determined by18 (1)
appoints members and chairpersons of
committees20 (2), 20m
certificates under Joint Rule 7, examinations for
appropriateness98 (5)
citations on behalf of the senate, approval by98
copying for senate, authorizes95
employees of senate, general supervision of88
invite persons on the floor of the senate11 (6)
membership20 (1)
motion to withdraw from, matter goes to calendar41 (1)(c)
recording proceedings, permission11 (7)
rereferral to joint committee on finance41 (1)(e)
room and seat assignments to members97
senate officers subordinate to1m (2), (3)
standing committees, creates20 (1)(c)
temporary replacement for absent member20 (7)
time limits for debate, may schedule76
Sergeant at arms:
absentees, to bring in84
call of senate, to close doors and keep members
in chamber83
chief clerk supervises6 (3)
definition99 (78)
disorderly member, removes if ordered by president13
in general, term of office6
may report at any time on proceedings under a call86
report that all members are present or absent with leave,
completion of pending business raises call87
Session (meeting) days, usually start at 10 a.m. on Tuesday
and Thursday14
Signing of documents by president44
Sine die adjournment (definition)99 (79)
how members may speak56, 59
limited to subject under debate, personalities
to be avoided56
member may speak on proposal and on each amendment53
motives, not to question56
on appeal from decision of presiding officer, limited
to 5 minutes7 (1)
prohibited when member is called to order58
recognition prerequisite56
Special committee, appointment, chairperson21
Special orders of business:
consideration of, not to be interrupted by arrival
of time for another17 (2), (3)
how established17 (2)
priorities of17 (2), (3)
veto override70 (3)
Special privilege:
not to be granted when any other matter is pending61
remarks made under 15th order of business17 (1)(o)
subjects of discussion allowed61
Special session:
certain resolutions not limited by governor's call93 (1d)
committees permitted to introduce or offer, or authorize
the introduction or offering of, proposals93 (1p)
definition99 (84)
executive nominations for appointment may
be considered22 (1)
proposals within call93 (1)
Stage (definition)99 (85)
Standing committees:
chairpersons and members appointed by
majority leader20 (2)(a)
definition99 (86)
proportional representation on20 (2)(c)
State officers, admitted to senate staff lobby while the
senate is sitting in session11 (2)
Stating motions62
Subcommittee: appointment, duties24
Subpoena, signed by president and attested by chief clerk44
Subsidiary motions (definition)99 (87)
Substitute amendment:
adoption of, written copies required34 (2)
constitutional amendments on 2nd consideration,
Joint Rule 57 (2)
definition99 (88)